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Co-Worker Letter – March 1, 1983


President and Pastor

March 1, 1983

Dear Brethren of God’s Church:

Whether or not you have children ages 13 to 18, you should be much interested, even as I am, in the Summer Educational Program (S.E.P.) camps for this coming summer.

There is no phase of God’s Work more important. These youths are those of the families of God’s people. God says (I Cor. 7:14) our own children are holy (sanctified – set apart for God). When and if converted they will be the LEADERS in God’s Church tomorrow – or leaders in the millennium under Christ’s reign.

So I ask you, as the apostle of Jesus Christ, to take an interest in this very important program both in your prayers and, as far as able, financially.

Field ministers and college faculty will again be supervising various activities and departments. With the addition of college students and high school workers, the entire S.E.P. staff will be one team – serving the youth in God’s Church. Because we want to serve as many of our young people as possible, we will again be running three three-week sessions at the Orr, Minnesota camp. The Ambassador College campus in Big Sandy, Texas will host one three-week session to enable even more young people to participate in these programs. Last year we had to turn away over 600 deserving young people. With both camps in operation, we hope to be able to accept over 80% of those that apply.

At S.E.P. our young people, ages 13-18, can be taught the proper way to conduct their lives in a wholesome environment among other youths. They will find that God’s way of life is truly uplifting and inspiring with permanent rewards and not the temporary ones the world has to offer. The students will learn these true values of God’s way of life through the wide variety of programs while learning cooperation and respect for themselves and others.

We have already received many applications from young people wanting to go to camp. Many of these young people, though deserving, simply cannot afford it. Some are without parents, others are in very large families, and others come from families where joblessness, financial difficulty, or living in a depressed area make it impossible.

Obviously, there is no way to help these young people to camp except through donations sent to S.E.P. for that express purpose. Last year, due to the generous donations of the brethren, over 200 deserving young people from eighty-three church areas were able to attend S.E.P. Many thanks to those of you who were able to contribute to the S.E.P. scholarship fund!

We realize that most of you cannot contribute to this cause, and I certainly would not want to urge anyone to take away monies desperately needed for the preaching of the gospel for this purpose, but if there are some few who feel they can contribute, above and beyond regular tithes and offerings, for this purpose, we would welcome any donations you can make for the S.E.P. program.

You may know of a youth you would like to help directly. This is, of course, the best way. But if you don’t know anyone personally who might need your help, but would like to contribute to a general fund for that purpose, simply fill out the enclosed form and return it with your donation in the enclosed return envelope. That donation will be used ONLY for the purpose of helping a deserving young person to attend summer camp. Incidentally, any such amount donated to the general scholarship fund would be tax deductible.

Thank you all for your continued support of God’s Work!

With love, in Jesus’ name,

Herbert W. Armstrong